Re: Bendix Treadle Vac Study- Serioius Business!!

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2011/1/14 14:55:56
PackardV8, I'll side a bit with Randerson on the issue fade. In terms of simple stopping power from a single stop, I suspect most of us have seen the Motor Trend data I posted a while back, Packard's stopping distance from various speeds was about the best of any of the 56 luxury cars. Yet, I've experienced fade in my 56 in continuous hilly conditions and had to remember my high school driver ed, use lower gear going down a hill if you would have needed it going up a hill.

Yes, I wish my Caribbean had better fade resistance. But for the kind of driving I do, and given my awareness of it, it's not been a real problem. I clearly believe the early Classic-era cars did have more competent brakes. As I've said before the brakes on my 34 Eight, though mechanical, are far superior. Huge drums and linings, variable vacuum boost from the dashboard control, and much more resistant to fade. I do wish the 56's had aluminum-finned drums and was thinking about talking to Dan Kanter about it when I see him Sunday.

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