Re: Bendix Treadle Vac Study- Serioius Business!!

Posted by fred kanter On 2011/1/14 19:40:28
Several comments:

There is a post saying that driving through a thunderstorm with disc brakes is safer than with drum brakes. Consider the following. The danger in a thunderstorm is hydroplaning where the tire "rides" on top of the water like a hydroplane boat thus making safe braking impossible as it is necessary for the tire rubber to contact the pavement in order to brake. Teh typ[e of brakes is irrelevant in this case. What is more dangerous with drum brakes is to drive through a very deep puddle submerging the drums. Unless you pump the brakes to get the water out form inbetween the liknings ad drums yoiur braking will be dangerously compromised.. Disc brakes do not have that problem. I have not experienced this in 48 years of driving.

There is no argument that disc brakes are better, but for regular driving as encountered by most of us there is not much to be gained.

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