Re: Gas Tank Blues

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2011/2/18 12:54:15
Jim, thanks VERY MUCH for taking the initiative. I've said on more than one occasion that someone with a severe gas tank problem should contact the makers of the repro tanks for other makes and see if they can be interested in making the 1951-56 Packard tanks, which are all the same part# (443145) except for the 2401-02-06 (426259). Certainly the demand is growing with time, and I suspect a lot of folks like myself who don't have a gas tank problem now might buy one for the day that we do. Actually, I'm a bit surprised that Kanters or Max hasn't jumped on this opportunity. Plenty of old tanks around for patterns, and I assume the original engineering drawings are also available from the usual sources. The originals were terne plate, but there are many suitable alternative materials.

It will be interesting to see what comes of your inquiry, please by all means keep us posted.

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