Posted by Denny Z On 2011/3/27 20:52:06
OMG I love my Packards!
After a looong cold winter stored inside my enclosed hauler inside my old car garage, I thought today was the day to wake up the '41 Clipper. Usually after such a long state of hibernation, I'd give her a little "encouragement" in the carburetor, but being in the trailer that tactic would be difficult. So, I thought, "what the heck" and I just pumped the gas a bit, held the pedal to the metal while I hit the starter. Vaaaarrrooommmm! Wow...she shocked me! I let her warm up a bit, backed her out, and took a spin around a "country block (two miles)."

I then thought I'd push my luck and try the Mayfair. Same procedure (only not in a trailer), same results. Vaarroommm! She wanted to go for a spin too, so I suprised my neighbors with a spontaneous March parade of Packards!

When I got home, I looked in the corner of the garage and studied the '27 Pontiac a few seconds...nah...don't push it! I polished a Packard bumper. Another day, another "P" car!

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