How many dogs awaiting the dream?

Posted by patgreen On 2011/4/7 20:45:10
Went to look at a v-8 senior car described as a good driver a little work away from being a show car....

Rust was starting to bubble on the roof, the back door dogleg and the usual other spots. the engine ran rougher than a demolition derby loser. T-l "just needed a few wires".

Trsns leaked, PS whined and leaked like a sieve.

The recent $8,500 interior was put on apparently without doing any thing to the seat like repadding it.

There were numerous electrical anomolies: seat went up when you pushed down, the "new" all window switch had been broken in installation.

Did I mention the lack of visible oil pressure, which might or might no be profound.

The "new" complete exhaust system sounded like straight pipes. At the least, the car lacked resonators.

And worst of all, my wife didn't like the colors.

The owner had had this car for 20+ years.
We have been over the jumps about people being optimistic and/or unrealistic about their car when selling it.

What percentage of owners try to fix things by hiring incompetent and/or unschooled workers, or do their own work ineptly, without craft?

How many, in "saving" the car actually contribute to it being ruined?

Just amazes me!

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