Re: Packard in the New York Times

Posted by HH56 On 2011/4/28 11:28:03
And all of this justifies $5 a gal gas here,,, HOW???????

It doesn't, but let's face it. We have been spoiled compared to most other civilized places. Unless a govt is keeping prices down such as Venezuela and a couple of others, most of the world has been paying considerably more than we have for years.

Don't expect any real changes to the trend either since our government and the latest token commission named to look into prices will say again we have no price gouging in the US and oil companies continue to wrack up their usual huge profits the old fashioned way (by earning it thru hard work don't you know), guess we are stuck. Of course the oil companies will do everything possible to deny any culpability on their so just learn to live with it and hope it slows. Expect oil's full page ads blaming everything else to start appearing anytime now. Speculators making millions in the commodity market have been cited as a cause but again, don't expect any blame to land anywhere and nothing will actually get changed.

Since politicians who are paid to believe big oil and corporate America in general can do no wrong would have to actually vote against the lobbyists who pay their "consulting fees" before anything changes, don't hold your breath for more than the usual sound bites. That will get their names out as being "aghast" and then a possible token rollback for a few weeks when elections are near. After elections it will be business as usual until the next one..

Consider yourself lucky--in Calif and Hawaii we already pay 25-50 cents more than most of the country so when you see 5, we'll be getting close to 6. At least Hawaii has a reason for their high prices--it's not cheap to get it there. Not sure of the why on ours other than the crap they add to it.

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