Re: Frame painting?

Posted by ScottG On 2011/5/1 0:27:21
I shot the undercarriage of a '68 Mustang with DuPont Chassis Black in my garage with a 25 gallon Craftsman compressor (wired for 110V) and a Craftsman gun. It was easy (except for the lying on my back part...), came out nicely and didn't break the bank. You don't need the biggest or most expensive equipment to do decent work underneath the car.

I would caution against using POR15. Having gone this route the first time I took a car apart I can tell you that it's:
(a) expensive; (b) messy; (c) unusually glossy for a chassis coating; and (d) is not reversible. (sandblasting this stuff doesn't remove it!). Unless you really need a rock-hard coating, I'd stick with a quality paint system.

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