Owner's Registry vs Production

Posted by Thomas Wilcox On 2011/5/16 14:50:00
Dear All,

I had previously plotted the owner's registry by year. I have now reproduced this plot by series, which is far more accurate. This also allows me to plot the number of cars produced by Packard on the same graph. A couple of observations:

1) Prior to the 54th series, the number of cars registered at PInfo corresponds remarkably well with the number produced. The exceptions are:

3rd -5th series are under-represented by 55-89%
10th series is over-represented by 310%
11th series is over represented by 400%
17th series is over represented by 60%
26th series is over represented by 56%
54 and 55th series are over represented by approx 250%
56th series is over represented by nearly 800%

2) If the average representation is correct, then .4% of vehicles produced, on average, are registered at PInfo. This analysis excludes the 54-56th series data.

I have attached a pdf of the plot as well as the data file (as an .xls file).

Happy pondering!


ps. BigKev, if you can have the number of cars registered for a given series/year show up for that search, it would make updating and editing this data much easier.

Attach file:

jpg  (88.39 KB)
333_4dd17f3abef44.jpg 1436X979 px
pdf Size: 122.83 KB; Hits: 55
xls Size: 69.50 KB; Hits: 47

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