Re: Pre War Service Index Groupings

Posted by BDeB On 2011/5/21 14:32:33
Since a lot of the service information relates to mechanical items it may make sense to split the groups into similar chassis types.

Twelves could be separate and 8's othe than the 120's from 1938 and earlier could be another group.

Sixes and 120's from 1935 to 1942 other than Clippers have a lot in common.

The 160's and 180's from 1940 to 1942 also hava a lot in common with the Junior cars but could be split into a separate category
The 1939 Super 8 falls more into the 1935 to 42 group as well since only the engine is carried over from the earlier Senior cars. Suspension, transmission and rear axle have more in common with the other 1939 models (except the 12)

A quick look through the articles might also reveal whther there is enough unique information to justify a separate category


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