Re: Recent additions to the Owner Registry

Posted by 1938darrinpackard On 2011/6/11 17:35:57
Thanks for the information. I'm not planning to bring the Darrin to Alaska - it needs to be out on the road doing Packard tours and we don't have that many roads that go anywhere. However we definitely have classic car enthusiasts in Alaska - there is an antique car museum in Fairbanks called Fountainhead. Re the clip's interesting how customized the custom cars are. Last night I went through Dad's file of letters he received from car guys (Rudy Stoessel, Charles Blackman) describing his car. Planning to make a spreadsheet to put the comments side-by-side to see if they match. Charles Blackman thought (based on a photo I believe - don't think they met) it had a 38-39 bumper, a 38-39 headlight, short rear fenders standard on 38-40 Packards, 38-39 hood side trim modified, hub cap design appearing to be '38. Mr. Blackman doesn't mention the front clip but his letter appears to be in response to one from my father asking about the clip as he mentions other Darrins where the body and the clip are from different years.

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