Re: street question

Posted by Pack120c On 2011/7/25 14:15:38

I think the picture that was on the random photo was taken inside the plant itself. There were bridges that went from buiding to building inside the gates of the plant. Packard Ave. was/is a street inside the plant and not public.

The body bridge that most folks are familiar with crosses over E. Grand Blvd which is a public street.

I was in Detroit over the weekend for a family reunion. Saturday picnic was on Belle Isle so I decided to trek down E. Grand Blvd to see what's left of the plant. I would not worry too much about the neighborhood (at least in the daytime)because there is hardly anyone around to bother you anyway. However, if you enter the plant you would do so under the risk of great personal injury. The place reminds me of a skeleton of an ancient dinasour. If you touch one bone the whole thing could come down on top of you.

On the flip side, a lesser structure would have imploded under it's own weight years ago. This place was built to last, just like the fine automobiles it produced.

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