Re: Posting pics.

Posted by BigKev On 2011/7/27 11:49:45
Pat, the biggest problem is size. Hi-availablility dedicated web server space is VERY expensive to rent. So while beautiful super large picture are great for someone needing to see a small detail for their restoration, storing that picture is expensive for the small handful of users that extra large picture will be beneficial to.

The website her doesn't run on one of those cheapo $10 a month "unlimited" hosting plans. Cause those plans are not truly unlimited and have connection limitations would make it impractical to run a website like this on it. Trust me I started there and out grew those very quickly. A high availability web server requires bandwidth, lots of it, and that requires renting space in a datacenter. Neither of which is particularly cheap. When you are at that level you are paying a hefty sum for every gigabyte of storage and memory space.

So would I rather have 100 pictures of web viewing quality that many people may find useful, or 1 picture of high def that only a handful would in that same allotted server space? I'm going to have to go with the 100....more bang for the buck...literally. I am already spending over $1000 a year on web hosting fees, and I am not prepared to spend $2000 so we can host super large photos. If this website was for profit or was funded by a club it would be different as their may not be the same level of financial contraints.

Now that being said, if you want to include multi-mega pixel images in your posts, I invite you to store them on a photo-sharing service, and just link to them in your posts. This keeps the file load off the server here, and also makes the posts load faster for other folks.

Not sure what digital cameras you are using, but everyone I have used, and multitude of folks on the website that have had trouble uploads have all had cameras (standalone digital, phone based, etc) when the JPG files have zero compression on them.


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