Re: Now if this could be used to make Packard parts

Posted by HH56 On 2011/8/5 10:52:05
I won't disagree that there are a lot of things the printers and like could not do--but if they can scan a water pump and have enough detail to make a casting pattern --even with a bit of human help-- then things have come a long way. I'm sure there are more intricate internal patterns they could not do.

Things I was referring to are the more simple items that in themselves are nothing to look at but to produce them the old way requires hours and hours of time. Making them would not be cost effective because you would need to sell a considerable number to have any return--like the Ultra front bushing Fred has a lifetime supply of. A Lehigh valve and gasket set would require a two or more piece steel die for each item at a tremendous up front cost the old way. Laying a valve on a scanner could have the dimensions and instructions for a water or laser jet in a few minutes. Production time would probably take longer to fix the stock in position than to do a few dozen parts. Unless there is something I'm terribly unaware of in the process, under those conditions I'd be surprised if you could not make and sell a small run successfully. Same with a shift linkage bushing and an automatic lathe or a number of other small but important items.

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