Re: 6 blade fan

Posted by HH56 On 2011/8/13 9:47:43

JW wrote:
Howard, with all respect, I do not believe the fan blade shape is important, unless the car is being judged. In that case hold out for an original Packard fan. Once installed an after market fan, like the one I used and painted black, is almost undetectable. No problem using washers to space the fan away from the water pump hub. It works for me.


JW, I totally agree. I was trying to give another option with the fan because there have been at least two people in the last few months looking for the heavy duty Packard fan--with unknown success. One poster did buy a modern aftermarket fan recommended by it's mfg as fitting the car and it didn't. Unsure what anyone else did.

Looking at some of the larger catalog sites, seems most now sell a variation of the same style fan for aftermarket with the slots for a universal fit but our hubs won't work without needing the washers or a spacer. One of the people looking would rather have one not using washers so that leaves few options.

The aftermarket universal fans with slots preclude enlarging the center hole so as I see it, the best alternatives would be to find a fan that can be made to work directly like maybe the Mopar, or make or modify a solid spacer with holes to fit our hub. 61 spacers shown on the Napa site & it appears all the best candidates seem to have slots or small centers like the fans. Other options are use the washers, mill off the protrusion on the Packard hub, or find the real Packard fan.

Of the options, If a real fan is beyond reach, I think the Mopar type fan or the spacer might be the better alternatives. Milling out the back of a spacer to fit the hub might even be the best one because many fans including the Mopar would then fit with minimal work. Washers work, but some are uncomfortable using them alone - either because of looks or the perceived lack of solid support in case a bolt should go missing.

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