Re: Summit Cruise

Posted by BH On 2011/8/29 9:04:55
Previously, it had been a miserable hot/humid summer, here - perhaps the worst in nearly 25 years. The last place I wanna be in weather like that is out on the blacktop. Between that and all the work backed up on me on the homefront, I spent very little time at car shows this year.

However, you couldn't have asked for nicer weather than we had for this event, and with plenty of shade available, I came for the duration. Had a good time chatting with Randy (first time I've seen him since last year) and the Brothers Kish. I also met up with some Studebaker friends from OH.

While there may not be very many Packards in attendance compared to some other events, being located right off the interstate in the Akron area, this event is an EZ drive for me. Hope I can someday get back to working on my own cars and show up there in a Packard.

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