Re: Packard Memorbilia

Posted by BH On 2011/9/1 8:53:42
I have the same style of thermometer as the one shown in Ken P's eBay link, but in much better shape. Given to me by a friend of the family about 25 years ago, it was beginning to show a little rust by the time I got it, but cleaned up nicely and has been a permanent indoor resident ever since - not for sale.

No way is that piece of scrap on eBay worth the opening bid.

I agree with packards1 that this paricular style of thermometer was made in more recent years - NOT from the Packard era - and not worth very much.

I also have the same style as the one shown in BigKev's pic - another contemporary piece of nostalgia, purchased brand-new on eBay back in 2001 for $27 USD. It, too, is an indoor decoration. A friend purchased the same thermometer at the same time, hung it up outside, and - except for the white background - all the paint has completely faded/washed away over the years.

Packard thermometers are often misrepresented on eBay and other venues - the practice appears to be worse than ever these days.

I don't recall ever seeing a thermometer in a catalog of Packard dealer signage.

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