#3 Exhaust Port Tube

Posted by Gary On 2011/9/25 17:52:32
I just completed a valve adjustment on my '53 Clipper but #3 exhaust valve was still clicking a little too loudly. While I was adjusting it the second time, I noticed about 3/8" length of 5/16" tubing protruding out of the #3 exhaust manifold port roughly an inch back from the head. The hole that the tubing is in is open all the way into the manifold port and I'm quite sure that exhaust leaking out of it is magnifying the "normal" lfter to valve tapping sound. I'm thinking that the tubing was longer at one time and just broke off but regardless, I don't know where or what it would have connected to so I'm hoping somone else can enlighten me. The heat riser to choke tube is still intact on the engine so I'm clueless as to what this one would be for.

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