Re: Two National Packard Clubs

Posted by Randy Berger On 2011/10/6 13:46:24
Your .02 cents is right on the money. I see the same greying happening in the train collecting field. Believe it or not, at one time I was one of the youngest train collectors in the field. The price of old rare toys has escalated beyond the ability of young family men to pay the going prices. In many cases it has gone beyond my ability to pay. Younger folks never had a train under the tree and parents who added on to their collection. I used to spend hours devouring a catalog trying to determine how much I could ask for and what Mom could afford. I doubt any kids do that anymore - it's mostly a hobby for grownups and that's sad.
But postwar Packards are a good buy and that may save them and introduce younger blood into this area of ownership. We can hope.

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