Re: How depressed is the market in our cars?

Posted by PackardV8 On 2011/10/21 18:18:12
Patgreens post #5 pretty much says it all. I agree with him 110%.

There is another angle to pricing tho. Quite often the rather wealthhy will obtain cars thru various INSIDE information. For example, a dentist mite take very nice collectible piece of family heir loom furniture as partial payment for an UNpaid bill. Roll top desk for example. By the time he takes the tax write off for the loss of REAL payment, passes the rolltop desk to other doctors, lawyers, judges, etc all the time driving up the price (NO MONEY EVER REALLYchanges hands) the Roll top becomes a $10K museum DONATION for yet another tax break or other advantages. A few years later someone in the circle buys it back for pennies on the dollar who really liked it.

On top of that, every grunt that is sitting in the dentists waiting room suddenly has to have a roll top desk for themselves and the fad gets started and spreads further driving up prices. "OH Yes!!!! Dr Soandso has one of these too!!!"

So prices get inflated. YES.

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