Re: How depressed is the market in our cars?

Posted by Stephen Houseknecht On 2011/10/21 18:28:53
I also suspect, but have not been able to prove, that the heads and their retinue of some of the "investment" banks started jacking the prices up to create a antique/collectable car bubble. When they finished bidding against each other and getting the prices way, way up they walked away with their windfalls. (Chump change to them in relation to their bonuses but major amounts of money to most of us). Thus putting out of reach and coming close to ruining the hobby for the average to above average hobbyist in both parts and cars.
I saw this happen in the WII aviation movement starting in the late eighties. A few egos came in, sent the prices of WWII aircraft and parts through the ceiling and a lot of the smaller players were out. It also came close to ruining a couple of the larger organizations.

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