Re: suggestions about categorizing and website content

Posted by BigKev On 2008/7/2 22:32:14
The website is hosted on a national provider, so I have no problems with website/server infastucture. But thank for the offer.

Just to give you an idea, we have about 9 gigs of online content here on the website, and that only represents 1.3% of total disk space available to the website on my hosted server. Even with over a million content hits a month here on the website (pages, pictures, articles, etc), that only represent .067% of the allotted bandwidth. I planned for future growth and pay a year in advance to keep my out of pocket expenses as low as possible. Hence why I have been able to keep the website going without any advertisments or vendor support.

Also several people have been nice enough to not only help out with dontating content but have send a some donations to help offset my out of pockets expense. While I appreciate that, and it has been very helpfull, given the choice, I would rather have people donate time, content and knowledge, as that pays back dividends that money cant buy!

When I refer to needing help due to my bandwidth, I am referring to the actual time to do the research in relation to the amount of other things in my life that take priority. So the help I am seeking is labor (doing the research and writing up the content) more than parts (the actual website infastructure or programming)

Just like everything else in life, its the labor that will kill ya, the parts are cheap!

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