Re: Dedicated Grievance/Complaint Thread

Posted by BH On 2008/7/5 9:54:19
Well, Dave, the AACA's Packard DF is still in operation (for the moment), but - IMHO - populated mainly by the most loyal AACA members after so many of us left due to excessive moderation and meddling with the Forum direction (including the little housekeeping stunt when Eric asked for his account to be deleted). While I've seen a few newcomers in the old DF, it looks like several of them have found there way here.

The former "Packard Live Chat" at the old is no more only because the entire site went belly-up when the dot-com bubble burst. was ultimately reborn, but with a message board format - followed, eventually, by a new chat format - that some of the old regulars still use, though others had moved on.

The biggest single problem at the old CC Live Chat was ol' PFHartmann who was banned repeatedly - just as he was, and continues to be, at the AACA.

As such, I don't think it was Al and John's history that ruined anything.

I don't believe anyone can ever keep the peace at all times (no matter how much "authority" they're given). However, the impression of a physical confrontation brewing in the other thread compelled me to step in there. Good to know that someone else saw that.

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