Re: Recent additions to the Owner Registry

Posted by Ozstatman On 2011/12/18 5:04:08
Back on 30th October I said "....welcome: and to Dave and Shelley for including their '37 One Twenty Touring Sedan in the Packard Owner's Registry...." and on 5th December this " of a '39 Twelve heading to Oz!....I haven't yet asked Dave to add the Twelve to the Packard Owner's Registry, must make sure I do that!...."

Well I didn't need to nudge Dave and Shelley to put the Twelve into the Packard Owner's Registry because they did so today. In fact, it appears they were so keen to do so they actually entered it 3 times! I've deleted two entries and left this one for their '39 Twelve Sedan Limo. And a question to Dave and Shelley, what's the significance of the picture used?

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