Re: 1956 Studebaker Golden Hawk

Posted by packard352 On 2011/12/24 18:48:38
That car has been on ebay at three times that I'm aware of.... I'm just not sure if its the same owner trying his hand again.
On the authenticity stakes, there are a few obvious things that aren't correct about the car, but it would still make for a happy ride.
I'm sure that in these esteemed Packard circles, authenticity can become a moot point. Suffice to write, I have tried to restore my Golden Hawk with authenticity upper-most in mind. However, as has been mentioned on this forum, there was a certain cavalier approach to production of cars in the mid-to-late 1950's, be they Studebaker or Packard.
Many thanks to all for their comments... an illuminating read..!
To one and all... have a very happy time - its now about to become Christmas Day.... so peace and good will to all.
I'm hitting the switch followed by the pillow!

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