Re: Dedicated Grievance/Complaint Thread

Posted by Eric Boyle On 2008/7/8 0:10:32
Not in the least. I for one don't dictate what people can or cannot say about anything anywhere. You on the other hand, do. I prefer that people have a word on vendors, whether or not they are trustworthy, you prefer to only approve those who line you/your club's pockets. Also, I consider the members of Packard Info kinda like the U.S. was in the late 1700's, moving away from dictatorial powers that be, and onto our own independence. This website gets under you skin so bad because we can do and say things here that you cannot control, and since you're all about control, it really irks you. You have a need to control, a real desire to put people under your thumb. You can't do it here, so why don't you just kindly leave, and don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.

We threw out your tea, so leave us be!

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