Re: Thoughts On Recruiting The Next Generation

Posted by Mathew Rattray On 2012/1/19 7:32:12
One of the major issues is that many of the younger generation don't know what a "Packard" is? It may be different in the U.S. but here in Aus its not a commonly known vehicle amongst the younger generation.

At the age of 15 I was reading a classic car magazine and saw a Packard and read the article about the car and from that moment I knew I wanted a Packard. I was lucky enough to buy my first Packard at 16 in 2004 (1934 Packard). This sparked an obsession which we can all relate to in our own way. I always thought I would have the one Packard but 3 years later I bought my second Packard (1955 Caribbean) and I love and enjoy driving both these cars.

These are both expensive cars to buy and keep running and this poses another problem, being able to afford these cars. Notably there are cheaper Packards, but if someone has the funds to purchase a car they are more likely to purchase something newer, more reliable.

It would be great to see a larger younger audience interested in these vehicles but its just a sign of change. I am positive given the chance under certain circumstances there are many of the young generation who would love to own an old car, to own a good old Packard.

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