Re: pushbutton transmission

Posted by Mr.Pushbutton  On 2007/5/8 6:38:08
P-V8--"potting" is a term left over from my days in electronic manufacturing, it describes the process of molding a compound around an object. The reason I don't use new wire (yet) is that the pushbutton contact segment wires are cast into a rubber block (see pic. 16) as a seal to keep road dirt and water out.
A percentage (I'm guessing about a quarter) of the pushbutton units I'm seeing have this condition where there is a break in the insulation jacket right where the wire exits the rubber block, leaving about 1/16" of exposed wire. There will be 4-6 such exposed sections in the same harness, making me afraid that a loose piece of anything conductive could get up there and short out the leads, and cause trouble. I form a mold around the back side of the rubber block and encase those exposed sections of wire to avoid such problems. It's also good since it changes the bending point of the wire.

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