License Plate restoration

Posted by gone1951 On 2008/7/10 23:53:53
I contacted a guy that was recommended by someone here that restores license plates. He does a great job. The problem is the color yellow he uses is wrong for the 1951 plates. The color is a great match for the 1963 verity. He is unwilling to locate a paint that is a better match for the 51 plates. It's take it or leave it. He showed me a set of restored 1951 plates he did and they look wonderful except for the color. I don't understand someone who does such a great job with the restoration but doesn't care about the color. With what I paid for the plates to begin with coupled with the DMV cost and the cost to have a frame machined to accept the month year stickers plus his $200 brings the total to around $700. I think for that the color should be right. Am I wrong??

Has anyone had plates done that were done right? Any other recommendations?

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