Re: Assembly Line Info and Photos

Posted by Randy Berger On 2012/3/7 22:25:10
Gator, what you are looking at in the foundry picture is a sand mold. You must have something to hold the sand, and that is what you are looking at. The two halves (top and bottom) are called a cope and a drag. The mold pattern is rammed with sand while they are inside these two boxes. Note the large round pins at the ends of the top and bottom half. They would slip a chain hook on the pins on the top half (cope) and lift it off. Then they would remove the pattern and set it aside. They would set the cope back down on the drag. These two pieces have guide pins which would align them when brought back together. I'll scout around and see if there is a you tube of this action. It's very simple when you see it done.

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