Re: Comparative Engine Torque ratings Packard Vs Other Fine cars

Posted by su8overdrive On 2012/4/5 4:28:14
Packard8, if the above's true, the only reason for Packard tooling the otherwise same engine for nine main bearings, then that really underscores how out of touch East Grand Avenue's non-leaders were. You get the feeling Packard's management was surrounded by sycophants more concerned with preserving their pensions than suggesting cutting edge automobiles. Spending money on superfluous inner circle nonsense like the above ranks with spending as much on bloating the svelte 1941-47 Clipper as it would've cost to design a wholly new car. Or not retaining and "sweetening" the Clipper as John Reinhart and others urged. It was good enough for R-R/Bentley to use 1956-65, albeit razor-edged and with a curved, one-piece windshield, as the Silver Cloud/S-Type.

Am sure this'll rankle many, but the company that wasted time and money on Elmer Fuddite moves like the above deserved to die. In fact, it's surprising they survived as long as they did. But Packard was one of only two domestic automakers to come out of WWII profitable, and that strong cash position allowed them to coast on their reputation 'til the inevitable end.

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