Re: Steering wheel restoration

Posted by Daniel Leininger On 2008/6/22 22:38:59

I am an amatuer, but found Ch 16 "Reconditioning Steering Wheels" in Jim Richardson's book "Classic Car Restorers Handbook" a helpful discussion. If you have access to the book it's straight forward steps. Here is a quick summary:
1. Remove the wheel (I didn't do that, but spread plastic sheeting all around - a pain as well)
2. Rechrome and polish -- obvious for metal parts
3. Open up the cracks -- He recommends s Dremmel tool or small files to V-notch the cracks so body filler will adhere well.
4. Fill'em Up --- Use 2 stage epoxy or Bondo (plastic body fill) or what ever filler you prefer. Over fill the cracks. Sand with #60 grit finish with #360 (I wet sanded w emerypaper)
5.Color Match a paint or tint mix at Paint supplier. Take a dash knob or some color sample with you.
6. Prime it -- several coatd -- dry sand in between coats w #360 of finer.
7. Paint It (He has lots of suggestions on multiple coats, final batch mixed w 25% clear coat. I don't know painting I just found a touch up can the color I wanted)

All in all I found his suggestions helpful, I think I have a better looking wheel than when I started. I may redo it later if I get into a paint project with the car.

HE has a list of things you will need:
-Steering Wheel puller
-Degreaser & wax remover
-Dremel motor tools or small files
-sandpaper 60, 180, 360 dry grit
-100,1000 wet dry sandpaper
-Body filler or equiv.
-spray set up (I used aeresol)
-lacquer or enamel to match
-compatible primer, clear coat
More than i cared to know but Helpful.

Good luck

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