Re: Dedicated Grievance/Complaint Thread

Posted by PackardV8 On 2008/7/12 23:31:37
"Congratulations that you also can keep your Packard on the road without a club. Did you ever try it without the internet ?"

Yes, Indian,Cushman,early 50's HD's, sidecars (a real obscurity), Rambler, Hudson, Jeep MB and early 50's Jeeps, James, Fords, Plymouths, Chevy's among several others WITHOUT any internet.

I got started on Packard, my first one, about the same time i started the Internet. 10 years ago or so. I was actualy looking for a Jag when the 56 Executive i have now pretty much fell out of the sky and into my lap. I had no clue about the internet nor how great an asset it would be for maintaning my modest stable of classics. If the internet had been available 30 years erlier then everyones collection would probably be quadrupled over what it is now.

Prior to the internet i dealt with some GREAT vendors and some bad ones among all of the different vehicles i owned. The problem is that news and experience traveled slowly before the I'net. However, nearly everyone aggreed as to who the good vendors were and who the not-so-good vendors were back then. So no, it's not like i just started car collecting 10 years ago. I go back further than that.

The Internet is HERE!!! Let the clubs and vendors OF ALL kinds DEAL WITH IT!

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