Historic Vehicle Assoc. E-News

Posted by Gary On 2013/5/14 20:08:00
Just received my monthly HVA News Letter and was very much disturbed by the "NON Mentioned" independent auto manufacturers "contributions" to the American war effort during WWII. Especially with regards to the Packard Motor Car Company when the writer basically threw token Willys Overland in the mix for their development of the Jeep. I immediately wrote a response which hasn't been posted yet (and may not be) and blasted them for their lack of giving credit where credit is due...informing them of PMCC'S mass production of the mighty RR Merlin and also let them know that both Hudson and Studebaker built equipment including everything from trucks to trailers and that all three independents were capable of both equaling and surpassing the "Big Three" in quality.http://www.historicvehicle.org/News/Articles/All-Articles/2013/05/14/Big-Three?utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=HVA%20Newsletter

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