Re: Site speed

Posted by BigKev On 2008/7/30 21:41:04
I just ran an optimize on the database. So hopefully this will help to load some of the pages quicker. Remember that the entire website is driven from a backend database. So all the "Recent Pictures", "Recent Forum Topics", "Chat Users" and which ever section your are in ("Articles", "Forums", etc) has to make queries on the database to dynamically generate the pages. As this forum grows, there become more data in the database, and as such more to search through for every page load.

Currently the website is hosted on a "shared" server. Who which means that I am sharing server bandwidth with what ever other websites are also sharing that server. Both Howard and I have been seeing these mysterious "500 Server Error" pages that are loading and I have the provider running traces to figure out what is going on. It appears to be a packet routing issue with one of there other servers so it is random, and all most impossible to trace.

I will at some point have to move the website to it's own dedicated server once it gets to big for it's britches so to speak. Once I do that then the website will have it's own dedicated bandwith.

Until that happens, I will keep trying to keep things cleaned up on the backend and keep my hosting provider doing what they are supposed to be doing.


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