Re: List of Packard First's
Posted by HH56 On 2024/11/10 18:06:47
An interesting story if true and kudos to the young driver and his Packard with the ability to travel over what must have been a stretch to even call a road in places. Wonder if he ever put his talents to use elsewhere after he got back.
I seem to recall reading that Eisenhower's defense highway AKA the federal interstate system was conceived and his insistence on building it was because of his remembering the horrible experiences with traveling on what the US called roads and in many places, a complete lack thereof when he was a young officer involved with a coast to coast Army convoy in the early part of the century. The convoy had trucks, horses and wagons and probably a whole lot of outside support in going across the country but apparently it was still a trip with uncountable difficulties. Maybe young Mr. Hall should have been in charge.
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