Re: New "What Ifs?"

Posted by Steve203 On 2014/8/12 9:57:44
WHO is buying all of this stuff and why are they not being held responsible?

The city has been so corrupt for so long that scrap yards buy stolen metal with impunity.

For a long time, the state issued a form that could be used to create a replacement title for a car with no records check. Crooked tow truck drivers were grabbing people's cars off the street, pencil whipping the form, and selling the cars as scrap for cash. I think the state finally stopped providing that form.

One of the local TV stations did an investigation a few years ago, with the cooperation of U-Haul. U-Haul was interested because people were breaking into their truck storage lots and stealing the heavy cast aluminum loading ramps off the trucks. The TV station undercover guy drove into the scrap yard with a ramp, with "Property of U-Haul Corp" cast right into the metal, pointed out the lettering to the yard clerk. The clerk said "don't worry, it will be melted down tonight". When questioned, the yard owner blamed a "rogue underling" for buying obviously stolen metal.

When you mention street intersections without stop signs, my first thought is scrappers have nabbed the signs and posts.

Scrappers hit the Dodge fountain on the riverfront last year, $400,000 damage.

scrappers and other vandals have not only stripped away some of the copper necessary to the operation of the fountain, they've also damaged the electrical panel, restrooms and offices used by performers and organizers of scheduled events at the popular riverfront destination.

The scrappers are now going after the roof trusses and rebar in the Packard plant. Some sections have entirely lost their top floor. At the rate they are going, in another 20 years, the plant will probably be leveled.

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