Re: American Auto Industry
Posted by casey rog On 2008/10/11 21:21:34
Now is the best time in the world to invest in just about anything. I finally started investing mid July. For some not the best of times. However, I made money.You can make money. I made $700 in one day with Freddie Mac when it dropped to 50 cents a share. If I would have been quicker with my on-line investing I could have made more. As for GM and Ford the US government cannot afford to let them go bancrupt. Their retirement liabilites are too much for the government to want to absorb. Buy GM, a 5.00 it is a real bargain. It will be back to 10.00 (which is my short term
benchmark) within a week. Buy anything. You will make money. This is the time to buy. but, you have to watch the market everyday and sell. or buy when you feel anxious. Do
not fall in love with a stock. This is not a long term market. If you want to make money Buy and sell daily. I had 26 transactions in the last 30 days. But my daughters weeking fund is 2 1/2 times my initial investment.
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