BMW after WWII
Posted by Packard53 On 2008/10/9 17:53:05
After WWII the only thing that BMW was doing with scrap metal was the production of cooking pots, farm machinery, and motorcycles.
Car production for BMW never started until 1952, then the models they produced never sold because they weren't producing what the West German public wanted to buy. Things got so bad for BMW they sought out mergers with Bristol a now defunct English automobile company. Then being rebuffed by Bristol they even turn to Auto Union. During the 50's things got so bad for BMW they turned to the Italian firm of Isetta, and started building little two passenger bubble cars with a 250cc motorcycle engine. Now that's what I call producing of a car of real quality.
As far as the production of decent autos BMW new got on firm footing until almost 20 years after WWII. During the early 60's it got so bad for BMW that the West German goverment wanted Glas another German auto firm to buy BMW they refused.
John F. Shireman
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