Re: BMW after WWII
Posted by Peter Hartmann On 2008/10/10 8:34:24
Let me add my compliments to Clipper for correcting my ommision. Of course our British & Canadian brothers also "serviced" the German auto industry by both air and ground during the 2nd World War, along with we Americans. I again apologize for my failure to give our Canadian and British brothers credit for their contribution in blood, steel, and ingenuity.
(I just came back from a trip to the Muskoka area; each timeI go to Canada, I come back more impressed with the charm and hospitality of Canada! Sorry, Clipper, as much as I wanted to stop by and get a ride in your '47 "356", couldn't come that far out of my way - if you ever get down to the "colonies", by all means come visit here!).
And as you fellows point out, there is no comparison between what happened to BMW in the years following World War II and Packard. I apologize for that too.
As we are supposed to know (or risk getting kicked out of this forum), in the years following World War II, Packard dedicated itself to ever-improving build-quality, performance, and reliability. BMW, on the other hand, down thru the years after it got going again, clogged American car lots with un-wanted cars that could not be sold. That is why today there are Packard dealerships in the expensive neighborhoods of America, and hundreds of thousands of beautiful Packards in the drive-ways of the wealthy in our country, and BMW has been out of business for so many years.
Now, about that question I had - didn't see anyone answering - about the Chrysler Club.
Has anyone checked with the Chrysler Club people to see how many of them have installed Ultramatic transmissions in their Chrysler products to improve reliability and performance ?
Fair is fair. Since one of the Packard clubs has for years offered a kit by which you can install the three speed Chrysler tranny in place of the Ultramatic, wouldn't it be fair and sportsmanlike for Chrysler Club people to offer a kit to install that superb Ultramatic in Chrysler Corp. cars?
Someone should look into this. I mean..fair is fair !
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