Re: Buffing out lacquer

Posted by Tim Cole On 2015/6/15 16:50:51
There are a number of micro-finish polish/compounds out today that will get those lacquer paint jobs shining like a star. 3M makes them so go to a paint supply store and ask for their help.

As for reducing oxidation the best product I found is good old fashioned Simoniz applied by hand after a polish/cleaner and gently finish rubbed with cotton (although I'm sure the micro-fiber will suffice). The rubbing stages works up to the cotton. It takes a lot of time, but you can do a panel or two a week. Other people prefer the Meguiars paste products. In the old days that's what chauffeurs did when they were idle five hours a day.

I don't do that work anymore because, quite frankly, nobody understands it. My experience in this area comes in handy here in Detroit.

Once you go through the process in the future you can stick to the polish/paste combination. Removal of wax build up can be done with wax remover/cleaner which has no abrasives.

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