Gene Ledbetter--rest in peace

Posted by Mr.Pushbutton  On 2015/12/23 13:18:06
Packard friends-it is my exceptionally sad duty to report to the passing of one of my very best friends in the Packard community, Gene Ledbetter of Novi, Michigan. Gene was one of the people who welcomed me into the Packard Club as a 21 year old kid. Gene was one of the happiest people I have known, and his love for cars, and Packard automobiles was without question. His 1938 Super 8 convertible sedan "Big Red" was a fixture at local shows, and his restoration shop, Complete Auto Restorations in Livonia MI (formerly Redford MI) was a hub of Packard activity, including many tech sessions for Motor City Packards. My most sincere condolences to Judy, his wife, and to the staff at Complete Auto Restorations. A finer person in this hobby you could not find.

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