Re: '37 Pack convertible on "Chasing Classic Cars"

Posted by 58L8134 On 2016/9/7 11:43:02
Hi Garrett

Its ever the plight of the classic car enthusiast: great interest and desire for the most desirable cars but too little money to back up that desire with action. Since I became interested in these cars as a teenager has ever been thus. And frustratingly, every time I got near a point financially of actually acting, something threw a monkey-wrench into it. We all have a car list of unrequited ownership

Still, I wouldn't give up my fascination with automotive history, Packards included, for anything. One has to just find a satisfying way to indulge the interest, whether studying the history, attending shows, making friends with those of common interests, even ownership and maintenance of a car. Though perhaps not ones first choice example, a vehicle (no pun intended) for enjoyable experiences, the better reason to own an old car.

As the old proverb goes: "The enjoyment of what we have is spoiled by always wanting more". Food for thought.


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