Re: How many Packards are running?
Posted by fredkanter On 2016/10/1 22:07:50
The answer is........nobody knows. JUst like when someone advertises a particular model of a car and says "Only 3 known to exist" Unless that person has viewed personally all 200 million vehicles in the US etc would anyone know.
Packard V8's answer is incorrect, Kanter Auto has a list of thousands of Packard owners as do other vendors. You can't just total up all that vendors know of as many are customers who have bought from 3,4 or 5 vendors.
Some makes it is possible to know the answer such as the post-war Cunningham. They made 26 and all 26 exist, easy.
Packard made 1 million ++.
There are many Packards for which the owners have not purchased any parts, we have some customers with many cars they have not yet worked on.
Instead of trying to get the "correct" answer, spend your time enjoying your Packard by driving it, working on it or just looking at it
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