Re: Best Road Trips for Packards & More

Posted by 55PackardGuy On 2009/2/22 16:34:21
You're welcome, Kev. I'll have to do some digging for more. I'd like to find the old 400 when it was painted a monochrome gunmetal gray metallic. Incorrect and it was later changed back, but it looked MEAN.

We always drove the '55 Packards year 'round here in Minnesota, which included of course lots of winter driving.

The cars proved to be very stable in snow and ice, even without the '56-only "Twin Traction" differential. On country roads to church (late), my dad tried to stay on a glazed snow-packed road after crossing an uneven intersection followed by a sudden dip. Usually easily manageable at 60 mph, which was minimum speed on this particular approach that morning.

Here's the remainder of the trip:

Two complete 360s in the road followed by a ride through the ditch as far as a barbed wire fence. Injuries: none. Damage: scratched paint on front fender. Towing cost: none. Drove it out of the ditch.

Fear factor: not too bad. It happened too fast.
Recommended? No.

Any other winter Packard adventures out there?

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