Re: Crossed to the Darkside....

Posted by gone1951 On 2009/2/25 13:09:42
I repaired computer equipment from main frame Honeywell to PC's and mac equipment much of my life. For the home market I have always been a PC fan. The main complaint I have regarding Mac computers is the cost of the upgrades. For instance 10 years ago a hard drive for a PC was around $100.00. For Mac the same hard drive manufactured by the same company was around $350. Same drive, three times the price. There would be some dumb little change in the hardware instituted by Mac that would make the drive unique and preclude anyone from using the $100 version. I understand that Mac is more friendly today than they were. I always felt that if Mac didn't change it's ways it would go the way of the Sony Betamax. It almost did hence the change in policy regarding compatability of peripherals. The Mac/PC discussion goes on and on. I'll stick with the PC.

Does anyone remember the Z80 and CP/M and CP/M-86 operating systems? CP/M was superior to DOS at the time. IBM had the chance to use CP/M in their new PC's with 8088 processor but shined them on on favor of Microsoft. Big mistake in my opinion. Anyone heard of the CP/M based Cromemco computer?

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