Re: Authenticity vs. Modification

Posted by portlandon On 2009/4/11 11:23:18
Asparagus said:Quote:
As my speedometer passed 95 or so, he blew by me like I was standing still. As he went by, I heard the distinctive whine of supercharger gears..!

Later at the event, when everyone was parked, this guy comes up to me and asks to see under my hood. "Why"...I asked? He explained he had to go over 120 to really pass me proper...! He couldn't quite comprehend how a flat-head six cylinder car could do what mine was doing.

Did you take off your driving gloves, slap him on both sides of his face and challenge him to a duel?

Glad to see a Ford could outwork your Tri 4 set up.

This "My dog's better than your dog" mentality will be the end of ALL post war Packard enthusism. It takes a special person to keep the post war cars as they rolled off the line showroom perfect & correct. It already takes undervalued pricing to get most people who own a '51-'54 into them. It's debates like this that should be left alone. In Packard Circles its always 12 vs. 8, Pre-war vs. Post war, V8 vs. Straight 8, Junior Vs. Senior. To each his own, if your names not on the pink slip, go find one that is and whack away with your opinions. Just my 2 cents, in fact here's a dollar. Keep the Change.

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