Rescreened cowl delivery plaques

Posted by su8overdrive On 2022/5/24 15:52:39
At the risk of lost motion, I'll ask a third time over these many years on PI:
Does anyone simply re-silkscreen our existing cowl data plaques?

Again...we k n o w we can buy a reproduction. But some of us want to keep our original, which at least in my '47's case, has the dealer's signature inscribed, the serial number stamped into the metal.

A wee thing, but it's part of the car's past, heritage, unlike new hydraulic valve lifters, an oil filter, tires, a bushing, etc.

Comprendre, comprender?

Merci, grazie, profound thanks, but please, p l e a s e don't tell me how i can do this myself. Not a fan of the "you getcha a" school.

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