Re: Packard Plant update....
Posted by Leeedy On 2023/2/19 11:59:28
Newspapers and these silly articles on the East Grand Blvd. Packard plant insist upon re-writing history and twisting the story of the plant's demise. They make it appear as if Mr. Palenzuela is to blame for all the monstrous destruction that took place. In fact, the damage was already done by the time he arrived on the scene with an impossible dream to rescue it all.
The whole scenario was caused by the City of Detroit. Palenzuela is merely a convenient patsy to blame things on. All he didn't do was not being able to pull off a miraculous rescue. Period.
It is sad that people keep drinking the Kool-Aid and cannot see this. To Palenzuela's credit, he did indeed clean up a lot of HIS portion of the plant (while the City did nothing with theirs)... and he did indeed post private guards and got Concord Avenue blocked off to traffic (that was allowing scrappers and vandals to haul everything away they could). What did the city do? They sat back and let things go down the toilet.
And the politicians keep talking about this "neighborhood" as if it is a haven for residences and families. Please. Great copy for the newspapers and TV. And people believe this silliness.
As far as production taking place on East Grand Blvd. in 1956 (as mentioned in the newspaper), this is also a fantasy. Dreamed up obviously by someone born after the Apollo Moon Landing. Production at this location stopped in late 1954, not 1956. All 1955 and 1956 Packards were produced at the new Packard Plant on Conner Avenue. And that, too... is gone. But today's newspapers, people running things and TV don't know it.
Sorry, but I was there. And as long as I am breathing, I will point these facts out– no matter what the newspapers and internet stories are telling you.
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