Spencer, safe long-used method of cleaning complete cooling system is, heater on to flush that, too, dumping two lbs. washing soda ---not baking soda-- Arm & Hammer offers both, and a quart or two of kerosene. Drive 15-20 miles with that solution, then drain hot. Use a straightened coat hangar or welding rod to ream around when the block drain plug out while radiator cap removed to enhance flow.
T h e n open your radiator pet cock. After block's cooled, flush with garden hose engine off until just clear water comes out block, then reopen radiator petcock.
If it's been a long time, you could go for another 15-20 mile drive with just water, nothing else, then drain as above again. But this time, once block cool, refill with reverse osmosis water and corrosion inhibitor like No-Rosion.com or Red Line Water Wetter. Use antifreeze
o n l y if your car will be exposed to two consecutive nights of a hard freeze, 30 or below, or if your car has air conditioning, in which case even in LA or Phoenix in August you need 15% antifreeze to protect your heater core from freezing.
We usually avoid Whole Foods because their prices are for the birds, but they do sell reverse osmosis for 49 cents a gallon. Bring your own jugs, self serve.
Never use soluble oil, an outdated practice, according to a Chrysler engineer member of the Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg Club in their monthly bulletin decades ago. It, and antifreeze, leave heat transfer-inhibiting film on cooling system passages, the last thing you want. Slightly off subject, but characters polishing aluminum cylinder heads miss the point, because they're reducing surface area, which helps dissipate heat.
Terrific synopsis of cooling system care on the tech link on norosion.com. If you order some from No-Rosion, tell Jay Ross that Mike, '47 Packard Super Clipper, Walnut Creek, CA, referred you. Product originally made to protect the hellish environment of terribly expensive industrial cooling towers. Jay's old car friends asked for some, and the company took off.
Assuming your thermostat and timing okay, you should be fine. Some of us added a stand off for our rear block drain plug. Certainly on the 356 engines, that plug's location near the starter and dipstick not one of Packard's smarter moves.
Hope everyone got a glimpse of the eclipse. Next for us in the contiguous States August 23rd, 2044, during which your cooling system should still be just fine if serviced as above.
Good explanation of what you experienced in your town or state:
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