Re: 282, 288, 327, 356
Posted by FirstEliminator On 2024/7/14 1:52:17
I have several 58-70 Mercury cars...well, maybe 20.
I'll be looking for a 5 main 327 and a 288 head.
While a junior may have never come with Tu-tone, I think it would look good. Inverness body with Wilshire fenders. However, No worries on a junior with tu-tone....and a good reason for that. A color chip chart for 40 Packard is in my possession. I prefer to use stock original colors on my cars. The same strategy will go for a Packard.
Sounds like a fun trip!
The pieces of equipment I mentioned are things I own as a useful hobby. For work, I own a transmission shop.
I'd love to win the race. It's a win just to be there, a bigger win to finish without trouble. Receiving money for winning is probably not in the cards.
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